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Invitation Wording Guide

Once you’ve selected the design for your stationery, it’s time to focus on your invitation wording. Below, you’ll find inspiration for both traditional and informal styles, tailored to different hosting scenarios and the level of formality you envision for your wedding.

For evening invitations, follow the same structure as your day invitations, but replace “on the occasion of their marriage” with “at an Evening Reception to celebrate the marriage of their daughter” or “at an Evening Reception to celebrate their marriage.”

Traditionally, the bride’s name appears first on the invitation, but this is entirely up to personal preference. For same-sex couples, there are no formal rules, if you’re unsure, listing names alphabetically is always a good option.

Our wedding invitation wording guide offers helpful suggestions, but feel free to customise the wording to match your style, making sure to include your RSVP details.

Formal bride’s Parents Hosting

Mr & Mrs Charles Edwards
request the pleasure your company.
on the occasion of the marriage of their daughter

Charlie Jane
Mr George Jacobs

Whittington Church,
on Saturday 30th July 2023 at 1 o’clock

An afternoon reception will follow at
Stanbrook Abbey
R.S.V.P. by 27th June

Formal Both Parents Hosting

Mr and Mrs Charles Edwards
Together with
Mr and Mrs Paul Jones

Request the pleasure of your company
At the marriage of their children

Charlie Jane Edwards
George James Jones

Whittington Church,
on Saturday 30th July 2023 at 1 o’clock

An afternoon reception will follow at
Stanbrook Abbey
R.S.V.P. by 27th June
Carriages at Midnight

Hosted by both families Formal

Together with their families

Charlie Jane Edwards
George James Jones

Request the pleasure of your company
At their marriage
on Saturday 30th July 2023 at 1 o’clock

An afternoon reception will follow at
Stanbrook Abbey
R.S.V.P. by 27th June
Carriages at Midnight

Hosted by separated parents

Mr and Mrs Charles Edwards
Mr and Mrs Paul Jones

Request the pleasure of your company
At the marriage of their daughter

Charlie Jane Edwards
George James Jones


Whittington Church,
on Saturday 30th July 2023 at 1 o’clock

An afternoon reception will follow at
Stanbrook Abbey
R.S.V.P. by 27th June
Carriages at Midnight

Hosted by the Couple

Charlie and George
request the pleasure of your company

on the occasion of their marriage
Whittington Church

 on Saturday 30th July 2023
at 1 o’clock
and afterwards at Stanbrook Abbey
R.S.V.P by 27th June

Hosted by couple and their families

Charlie and George
Together with their families

 request the pleasure of your company
on the occasion of their marriage


 Whittington Church

 on Saturday 30th July 2023at 1 o’clock
 and afterwards at Stanbrook Abbey

 R.S.V.P by 27th June

Informal couple hosting

Charlie & George
Are getting married

Please join us to celebrate our marriage
30th June 2023

The Willow Barn
Followed by dinner and dancing
RSVP to 07900 123456 By 27  May

Crafting the perfect wedding invitation wording may take some time, but it’s worth the effort to ensure that your invitation not only looks beautiful but also effectively communicates all the essential details of your special day. If you require further help with wording please get in touch, and we maybe able to help with alternative wording if necessary.